Scholastic 3-D Archery

Scholastic 3-D Archery (S3DA) fosters, educates, and guides youth in the areas of 3D, indoor target, and outdoor target archery as well as safe, ethical bowhunting practices.

Youth are attracted to S3DA because they are free to use any equipment of their choice, from any brand or company, only restricting speed limits based on their age and shooting division. Along with youth being able to choose their own equipment, they are also able to progress through the sport as they grow and develop. Each S3DA class provides a natural progression that helps youth grow from elementary school through high school and it allows them to move straight into shooting at the collegiate level, where they are earning scholarships to shoot archery.

Not only are youth attracted to S3DA, but families are as well. All of the S3DA events are family-oriented and family friendly! For all of those reasons and more, S3DA has become one of the fastest growing archery programs for our youth in the nation!